May 11, 2011

Christian As The Official Religion In Malaysia?!

Dear readers,

Do you know what happened, recently on a sensitive issue in Malaysia? Even if you do know, I would have to tell since many Malaysian themselves do not read the paper enough! =P

A group of people in Penang has been accused of trying to make Christianity as the official religion in Malaysia. However that is untrue. Islam has been agreed to the the official religion since the independence of Malaysia.

The main problem now is not the problem mentioned above, but politicians like Hishammudin, home minister (a ministerial position who's in charge of the security of the country) do not check the validity of the accusation instead, he wants to capture those responsible for it.

Disappointed again.......

(An extract taken from Malaysia Kini)

"As a Muslim, I am not bothered whether the PM is a Muslim or not. The constitution protects Islam as the official religion of the country and the monarchy as guardian of Islam in Malaysia.

If a non-Muslim can be proven capable to lead the country, why not? Look at many countries around the world where capable leaders are not from the majority race but instead from minority race.

It is Umno which is going all out to protect the Umnoputras to maintain political stronghold over the country to enrich its cronies. Other Malays not of the Umnoputras do not benefit or even if they do, are given the remnants that trickle down to them.

All these talks about Umno protecting Malay rights or Islam is a bunch of crap. I am apolitical but I trust PAS more than Umno to look after the interest of the Malays and Islam. Umno is more interested in enriching their cronies and stirring up racial and religious issues to maintain their power."

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